Friday, July 10, 2009
coffee shop, part 1
The parade stops. Handbags are thrown on chairs, cellphones scattered across two wooden tables next to the plate glass window facing the street. Some legs beat a hasty retreat to the bathroom, others pick their way around chairs and booths to make the groups’ order at the counter. The high pitched squeal of the cashier, “뭐 드릴까요?!” is countered by a response I can’t hear. Minutes later the group reassembles, spitting out rapid 반말 gossip like watermelon seeds as they wait for their coffee. A vibrating buzzer rattles against the table. With five identical, ice-blended, 5,500 won mocha-frappa-what-the-fuck coffees topped with five identical mounds of whip cream and chocolate sauce, two packs of cigarettes, and four fashion magazines covering the surface of their table, they finally appear ready.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
backlog 1: April 10, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
on the edge
I've been awfully sick for the last two or three days. Around 8 I finally got dressed and left the house, when Min rescued me from my homebody loneliness with medicine and Red Mango frozen yogurt. Hannah and Eunhi called earlier too, and one of the girls who lives in my house made me some special Korean tea that's supposedly good for throat aches. After crying to my mother early this morning over Skype about how much I miss my friends and family at home, I really felt like a tool. I do have good friends here, friends who will take care of me and go out of their way to make me feel better, friends who worry about me and love me and whom I love as well.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Strangers in a Less-than-strange Land
Un-zippering my winter coat and turning up the volume on my MP3 player, I am squeezed snugly into a subway car in Sinchon. The people on either side of me are equitably absent from the moment; watching television on tiny personal screens, text messaging friends, vacantly staring straight ahead to avoid eye contact. We touch elbows and hips, bump shoulder bags and smell each other’s dinner-and-soju-breath, but still we make deliberate efforts to maintain the illusions of isolated experience and personal space.
When I first arrived I thought of myself as a traveler in Seoul, rather than as someone who lived here. Every tiny moment shone with the allure of newness, and putting on headphones seemed like forfeiting the opportunity to have an important experience.
Now that I’ve adjusted, the novelty of public transportation in a “foreign” place has worn off and I’ve started to think of my travel routines as mundane. I, too, have fallen comfortably into the Korean habit of ignoring the people just centimeters to my left and right, in favor of rocking out to my own personal soundtrack. It’s only natural that my relationships with the city and its inhabitants have matured and stabilized with time. In some ways, however, I look upon this latest “maturity” with a mournful longing for the feelings of wonder that have passed.
I sometimes feel this way when I look at street signs or advertisements in Korean, too. Less that two years ago, hangeul was little more to me than a strange smattering of circles and squares. Incomprehensible, yes, but romantic and beautiful in a decorative way, as a constant reminder of the distance between my current location and my hometown. I love communicating in Korean now, love knowing more about the culture and the people than I ever did before because of being able to speak this language. That being said, there is still some tiny part of me that misses the feeling of being amazed and intrigued by a place that was once tantalizingly beyond my comprehension.
The cure to this boredom is to shirk thoughts of daily monotony and instead focus upon experiencing every new moment with the same wonder and humble excitement of a newcomer. This isn’t advice for travelers -- it’s advice for life. To fall into habits and feel bored with the routine is natural. It’s easy to succumb to our own restlessness and isolate ourselves from each other, even as we press against one another, elbow to hip, in a city so crowded as Seoul. A better way, though, is to take each habit-worn moment and reframe it as a precious, fleeting opportunity to interact with the people around us.
We may never cross paths again, so what’s the harm in smiling? What’s the harm in laughing when the sway of the subway car sends us crashing into each other? Being familiar with a place or a pattern of life shouldn’t necessarily drain us of all awe. Instead, let us take off our headphones, turn off our personal televisions and engage each other joyfully and gratefully, even as we move about the most routine and uneventful moments in our lives.
(first article for the English-language newspaper at Ewha Women's University)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
i started writing a long "what if" blog about the possibility of me becoming a professor, and then erased it. im not particularly interested in entertaining the what ifs, and im even less interested in airing publicly the extent to which my over-analytical mind runs me in circles right into the ground. certainly there are a plethora of other opportunities out there, but one possibility that keeps coming up is:
Thursday, February 5, 2009
why korean class is excellent.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
우리 가족
Hongye looked at the sky, pointed up, and said “딸!” (“Moon!”) I bent down to her level, pointed my camera upwards, and took this picture.
Hongye is the youngest member of the Seo family. She’s about 5 years old, and her sister Hongbi is almost 14. I refer to them as my sisters, and their parents as my 엄마 and 아빠, or Mom and Dad. When I was living in Jeonju teaching English two summers ago, I spent a few weekends with them. I was clumsy and foreign, trying to navigate speaking no Korean, but Hongbi loved Avril Lavigne and spoke really excellent English for a 12 year old, so we got along fine. Somehow we all fell in love with each other, even then, and I’ve been keeping in touch with their family ever since.
They’re some of the most un-stereotypical Korean people that I know. Hongbi is interested in fashion and music, and while her parents encourage her to do well in school, they also want her to follow her dreams and go to a college like FIT in NYC. She goes to English hagwon, but only because she really likes it and wants to speak English well. Same with guitar lessons -- she begged for a guitar for a year and now she takes lessons because SHE wants to, not because her parents are forcing her to do anything.
I hear a million horror stories about Korean dads who drink themselves half to death with their coworkers and then hire prostitutes instead of coming home to their wives, but my 아빠 isn’t like that at all. I’ve been out with Mr. Seo and his friends a few times (weirdly, as the only woman... mostly because I’m foreign eye-candy, I’m sure, but men’s culture is fascinating and I don’t often get to see it so I don’t argue) and he doesn’t drink a drop. He’s the only non drinker almost every time, but still... his friends are all family men too and it doesn’t seem like any of them would get that out of control either. Of course it’s possible that they were on their best behavior because I was there but I just don’t think they are those kind of men.
Also, the relationship Mr. Seo has with his wife is strong -- albeit she’s ridiculously hot for a forty year old woman (she used to be a jazz dance instructor) but still. I don’t see that many happy, openly loving adult couples around.
Or that many happy, openly loving families in general. It seems to me that Korean families are often distant and under pressure. The girls never fight, and Hongeye never seems to really get on Hongbi’s nerves, despite the age difference. Mr. Seo says “I love you,” to the girls at least once a day, even though Hongbi’s at an age when verbal expressions of love and real hugs are too embarrassing for her to reciprocate. They laugh a lot. They’re always always laughing, making jokes and ripping on each other and themselves. They’re always eating, and always at one table at the same time. If one person is peeling an orange, they always offer a piece or a half to someone else before they eat themselves... and not as a rule, just as a natural courtesy. I end up doing it too without even trying. It’s an easy, truly warm and welcoming environment to be ingratiated into.
The real reason I started learning Korean is because I wanted to be able to communicate with my 엄마. She was so warm to me, so interested, concerned, and wonderful from our first meeting -- even though we couldn’t speak to each other at all. It’s hard for me to imagine my own mother taking in a stranger like that, someone who didn’t speak a word of English, and treating them the way this woman treated me.
Last summer I only managed to get down to Jeonju twice, and I really regretted it. I was so caught up in my little life in Sinchon that I didn’t time to spend with my “family.” This time I’ve resolved to get down there once a month if at all possible, and so far I’m ahead of schedule. I went down before school even started, and I was just there this past weekend for 설날, the Lunar New Year.
I was amped for a traditional New Year with a Korean family, but in keeping with their general character, my family was anything but traditional. Instead of dressing up in hanbok and going to a grand gathering of extended family members, we went to a ski resort with just the five of us.
There was a moment there before I left when I thought about not going. At the last minute, a Korean friend invited me to come back to her hometown for the holiday, and I really wanted to see a traditional 설날 celebration. There was no graceful way out, though, and I really didn’t want to disappoint my family, so I went to Jeonju as planned.
5 hours on a bus to Jeonju because of holiday traffic, then another three up to Muju Ski Resort from their house the next day. We stayed in an adorable little room outside the resort, where they gave us free spa access because the lady recognized me from MiSuda. (“Spa” is stretching it... it was a hot tub just big enough for all of us, but still...)
It snowed awesomely and beautifully for the whole three days. We played a lot, having snowball fights and making little igloos. We cooked samgyupsal outside on a grill, and sweet potatoes and regular potatoes, under a tent with a space heater in the backyard of the pension. In general, we ate an incredible amount of food for five people, all weekend long. Honestly, they always eat more than any group of people I have ever encountered, I don’t know why all four of them aren’t obese.
Snowboarding at the resort was brutal but fun, though must admit it was less fun than sledding. (and SO WHAT if sledding is baby stuff?!)
I spent a lot of time playing with Hongeye, trying to tell her the names of every animal and dinosaur in English, even though she didn’t really care and she was just asking to ask. We also weirdly talked about Halloween parties several times, every day. Apparently they had a Halloween party in her English class and this was extremely fascinating. (At the end of October. Yes. It’s still that important to her.)
Hongbi and I talked and laughed, took pictures of each other, and constantly helped each other with language questions. We make a great team.
For the whole weekend there was this easy comfort between us all that made me really felt like home. As my Korean gets better, the atmosphere just gets easier and more relaxed. Nothing is withheld in fear of leaving me out because I won’t understand. Of course there’s still an awful lot I don’t understand, but it’s good practice listening to their lilting Jeonju accents and their rapid, familiar speech, and when I do get on of their jokes, it’s doubly funny because my sudden laughter is surprising and unexpected.
On Monday night, I watched MiSuda with the girls and 엄마. I’m always worried that it will be embarrassing, but the editors must really like me because they always cut my awkward moments and grammar mistakes, leaving me with a few anecdotal gems and an inordinate number of funny laughter shots. This episode though, I was a little tense and my 엄마 could tell. We talked for a long time afterwards and her advice about how to deal with the show and how to think of my own involvement in it was perfect and edifying and so essentially motherly at a time and in a place where my own mother isn’t really present.
I love her so much. It’s weird to think about how there was a time when we couldn’t speak at all, and even then we loved each other a little bit. Wordlessly, for no discernible reason and still, she had this motherly affection for me.
Obviously I made the right choice by going to Jeonju instead of ditching them for a 설날 extravaganza.
There will be plenty of new years to celebrate in Korea, I realized, but the time I’ll have with this family is short. Not short because the duration of our relationship is temporary, but short because the girls will grow and change and I won’t always have the chance to be along for the ride to witness their youth.
I imagine them graduating from college, or getting married someday, and me having this treasured position as an adopted sister by their side. I will have known them all along the way; will have seen their faces and bodies grow and change, their personalities evolve and eventually solidify into the women they will become.
There was this one bad moment, when I was horribly embarrassed and I let myself forget who this family is to me. I responded using casual speech to 아빠 (응 instead of 네 when he asked me if the food was delicious) and everyone laughed at me -- 엄마 especially. She gently reminded me that 응 (응 is like a grunt, a “yes” noise that doesn’t even sound like a word in English at all) is only for people younger than me, or my friends at school, not for my parents. I apologized and they went on laughing and eating without another thought, but I sat there stewing in negative thoughts.
I had excuses galore spinning in my mind -- in English there is no speech level change! I’ve been using 반말 non-stop with my friends! We’re familiar enough, aren’t we?! I’m a foreigner!
But none of those are right. The answer is that I was speaking carelessly and I simply forgot to say the right word. This may seem irrelevant, but respect mistakes bother me a lot (because they bother Koreans a lot) and even though I’m usually quite careful, it’s a hard thing to know at all times just the right level I should be speaking to. It’s one of the things that worries me when I’m wildly anxious about the future of my Korean.
What if, no matter how long I study this language and how much time I spend here, I never internalize the formalities of these relationships and I’m never able to switch forms automatically the way Korean people do all the time? Even if I become fluent, this culture is so different from the one I’m from that I worry I’ll never get it quite right. And even then, even if I never make another mistake... I’ll never be Korean (not that I want to be, I love who I am.) I’ll never seem entirely right no matter what I do, because I’ll never have a Korean face or body and there’s no way I’ll ever be considered anything but a foreigner.
But isn’t that one of the things I relish? The being a foreigner bit? A pause. The spiral collapses in a circle of contradictions, to be revived at the next awkward moment and forgotten just as easily when I order something the right way, or I understand a simple question and answer successfully, or some equally trivial triumph occurs.
The next day it occurred to me -- Half of this is getting it wrong. Seungja Choi (my Korean professor last semester) always told us to “make a hypothesis and try it out” with a native speaker. Weird way of putting it, but she was right. The only way to learn is to make mistakes. I’m lucky I have such a warm, loving group of people to make my mistakes on, rather than really hurting or angering some stranger with my inadvertent disrespect.
Friday, January 16, 2009
여기오! part 1
Sunday, January 11, 2009
i'm going to do this before i forget.
Things i want to write about include:
-the veiled women in a royal procession, depicted in a ceramic painting i saw along the cheonggyecheon river.
-Korean food, potentially as an analogy for Korean people/ relationships in Korea. Also about how my relationship with food is so different here than at home.
-Korean television and its complete lack of subtlety.
-a dance off I witnessed outside of the Doota shopping center in dongdaemun, between a hot shot Korean boy, a shy mushroom-haircut sporting middle school girl who turned out to be Beyonce in disguise, and a Korean version of Little Miss Sunshine
-my host family in Jeonju
-the way that duty appeals to me, and how thats part of the appeal of Korea
-digital records as a replacement for actual experience
-masculinity, about my friends Zac and Tyler, an old man I met on the subway, two brothers i met on new years eve, and a night in Itaewon.
-an entry to go with the masculinity entry, about femininity specifically regarding myself, high heels, fabric in the 이대 clothing stalls, and Misdua.
-trepidation and preliminary justifications for my involvement in Misuda
Unfortunately I've been preposterously busy and I haven't had time to write anything but diary-esque journal entries in my paper journal. hopefully i can get through a few of those this week, before a million more ideas arise and i have even less time to write them.
Korea is like that, 빨리빨리... blink twice and everything changes.
I guess the best I have to offer is an anecdote from today. I was getting home from Youido around 7, with Vickie (another Misuda girl.) We stopped in 이대역 to watch some random zongo clown performing an act with balloons. He wasn't begging, just performing. He said "hello" to us in English when we walked up - we were the only foreigners in the crowd and it made everyone laugh. He embarrassed the crap out of these middle school girls, making them hats and swords and forcing them to dance, before he turned his attention to me.
he was making this double helix balloon with two little balloon balls in it and i had a feeling i would end up with it if i waited around for a minute. Sure enough, within 30 seconds of that thought he asks me to come over and be part of the act.
Eventually, I ended up in a gorilla mask, doing a sexy dance and confirming that yes, i actually already appear on Misuda, thank you for suggesting that I do that, you advice-giving clown.
And Vickie said, "That's Korea."
She's pretty right.