Thursday, February 5, 2009

why korean class is excellent.

1. speaking class...

chinese kid i dont know: "i've gained, what... 2 kilograms? no. 20 kilograms since I came to Korea. "
teacher: "what? no no, you want to say 2 kilograms."
chinese kid: "no. no. 20? is it 20? (something in chinese to another chinese kid)" 
other kid: "yeah. yeah 20."
teacher: "what? why? why did you get so fat?"
"that's really a lot! 20? how did you get SO FAT?" 

(entire class bursts out laughing, besides the teacher. really, why DID YOU GET SO FAT, YOUNG MAN? she was upset about it.)

2. grammar practice...

(the pattern was "first, a person does something. next, in sequential order, because the first thing was completed, the person did [or was able to do] the second thing." we had to use a famous person we all knew, so we chose Obama. totally wasn't my suggestion, fyi.)

teacher: "First, he puts on a suit."
kirk: "Then, he recieves a briefing."
yugi: "Then, he eats breakfast."
ruyu: "Then, he gets on an airplane."
ruyhun: "Then... he...taxis down the runway?" (laughter)
tara: "He takes a car from the runway." (laughter. "Where? Where is he?" teacher: "amazing! he's flying his own plane and driving his own car!"  laughter.)
oo soo: "Suddenly he has to go to the bathroom. Stop! Stop! he said! I ate breakfast and rode an airplane and I haven't been the the bathroom all day! stop! suddenly. suddenly. stomache. very sick. bathroom now. Suddenly." (explosive laughter. the teacher is crying its so funny. oo soo [우수] is a thirty-something jazz dance instructor from japan, mind you.)
olivier:  "then he meets with..." ("no no!" "why, come on?!" "olivier! he hasn't washed his hands!" "stop!" laughter.) "then he meets with the president of the UN." (lame. laughter stops.)
soong ji: "Then he takes a nap."
dema (in a thick russian accent) : "after the nap he meets a pretty girl and gives her his phone number." ("DEMA!" "he's married." teacher: "you're a bad person! he's the president of the united states.")
rawhenpon: "they decide to go on a date."
me: "he calls his wife and they all go out together. Dema. He's married!" (laughter.)
teacher: "and finally he washes his hands. you guys are dirty."


  1. hahaha reminds me of spanish class when we'd just end up being as silly as possible...whats tocar mean? it means to toke...and scene.

  2. BRAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I laughed outloud. like multiple times.
